
Join our intercessory team that prays for individuals, families, the church, the city, nation and the world in general. Prayer will always be the key to open hearts, open doors and access to unusual breakthroughs. God regularly seeks men and women to stand in the gap for His people (Ezk. 22:30), join the prayer team today and begin to move mountains.

No two individuals are created the same, you are a brand by yourself, you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14). This team helps individuals discover their true worth, counsels them on how to horn their skills and maximize their potentials. At WPI franchise, people are helped to succeed in business or their chosen career path. One can join this team if they have a passion for helping people reach their full potential.

The Ushers maintain order during all church services and ensure that individual needs are adequately catered to as well.

This team of volunteers minister specially to invited guests and the clergy. They ensure that the clergy and invited guests are adequately catered to from the time of arrival to their point of departure, the Protocol team makes the guests’ stay worthwhile and quite memorable.

This is the Media team of RCCG Wealthy Place International which handles streaming, video and audio productions. Everything from preparing for church service to producing video and audio tapes after service comprises what the media team handles. Volunteer with WPI Productions if you love working with the backend tech stuff.

God dwells in the praises of His people, be a part of the team that brings down God’s glory. In God’s presence, the unusual happens, mountains are brought low and valleys are lifted. Volunteer with the Zamar Band and help bring down God’s glory.

Have a passion for teaching? Our team of teachers help to build godly people that are heaven bound. Every jot from God’s word is a loaded capsule. This team unearths kingdom secrets to God’s people so they can be truly blessed.

These are the church’s caregivers that handle welfare including visitations, baby christenings, baby dedications, house dedications, birthday celebrations, housing assistances and other special events in the lives of church members. You also could volunteer with this team.

Our children teachers help grow our children in the fear of the Lord, stirring up in them an unquenchable passion to serve the Lord. Through sound biblical teachings, equip them with tools to fulfill their God given destinies and make heaven.

Fulfilling God’s mandate of “….Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15 KJV), the Evangelism team relentlessly spreads the gospel of Christ in a timely fashion because the second coming of Christ is fast approaching.