What to Expect


We gather to discover the truth of who God is, what He has done and how we ought to fulfill His purpose for our lives.

Sunday: 10:30 AM
1st Friday of the Month: 7 PM


We gather in the East New York area of Brooklyn, New York and would love for you to join us.

3015 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208

Checking out a church for the first time can be an anxious experience. So, here are few things you can expect when you come to RCCG Wealthy Place Int’l. First, expect the unexpected. God’s mighty move is usually unpredictable, you can never confine God Almighty to a box. We might make you stand up during the service as a guest just to say a word of prayer for you. We certainly do want to know you and find out if you like it here at RCCG Wealthy Place, so expect a few people to try and connect with you.

Please come dressed as you feel comfortable. Be ready for a 40-minute message (also called sermon) and 25 minutes of uplifting worship. Every week we have brunch right after the service. Again, expect several people to try and connect with you.

Each week we provide every person with “the Map.” This is our version of the traditional church bulletin. In the Map you can find weekly announcements and a place to take notes. There will also be a Connection Card available for you to fill out. The Connection Card is our way to stay in touch with you, so we can get to know you better. Please fill out as much information as you feel comfortable and hand it back to one of our Ushers. Upon turning in a Connection Card for the first time, we will have a welcome gift for you.

We have a great children’s church were children are impacted with foundational knowledge of the Scriptures. RCCG Wealthy Place Int’l Young Nation is designed to help children connect with God, His Word, and each other. There is a secure and simple registration process that you will be walked through at the children’s registration desk. RCCG WPI Young Nation is for ages birth through to young teenagers.

For more information email us at hello@rccgwpi.org or text/call 718 986 0787.